Unity Pride: A Gay Men’s Spirituality Group
Unity Pride: A Gay Men’s Spirituality Group Led by Unity of NY member, Chris DiGiorgio, this group is open to ALL…Unity Pride: A Gay Men’s Spirituality Group
Unity Pride: A Gay Men’s Spirituality Group Led by Unity of NY member, Chris DiGiorgio, this group is open to ALL…Christmas Dinner at Ollie’s Chinese Restaurant
Let's gather together for Yuletide Yums. Eat drink and be merry on Christmas Day! Please RSVP to revlouisolivieri@aol.comHoliday Fellowship and Cookie Exchange
Eat, Drink and be Merry together until 5:30 PMUSA Adventures Annual Holiday Luncheon
Join us at Arte Cafe for holiday fellowship. Please RSVP by December 17th to revbeccabean@gmail.com