Thanks to you, we are able to continue bringing joy, love, hope and wholeness to our New York community and beyond.
As we know together each week, “Divine Love, flowing through me, blesses and multiplies all that I AM, all that I have, all that I give and all that I receive.” AND SO IT IS!
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Remember Unity of NY in your will
How to Leave a Lasting Legacy with Unity of NY

Remembering Unity of New York in your will is a profound way to support its mission and programs for years to come. Make a lasting legacy and your gift will be fully tax-deductible.
There are two main ways to include Unity of New York in your will:
- You may make a gift of a specific dollar amount or a particular asset (such as an investment account) as a bequest. You can accomplish this gift by such language as “I give and bequeath to Unity Church of New York, having its principal address, 225 West 99th Street, New York, NY 10025, the sum of $___________.”
- You may make a gift of a percentage of your estate or the remainder of your estate after providing for your family and other loved ones. Such a gift would use such language as “I give and bequeath to Unity Church of New York, having as its principal address, 225 West 99th Street, New York, NY 10025, ___% of the rest and residue of my estate.”
If you choose to include Unity of NY in your will, please let us know by contacting the Unity office at 212.560.0756, and to insure that all legal requirements are met, we recommend that you consult with an attorney.
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