Unity Pride: A Gay Men’s Spirituality Group
Led by Unity of NY member, Chris DiGiorgio, this group is open to ALL gay men. We meet to talk…Sunday Celebration Service with Senior Minister Rev Britt Hall
Join us for our In-Person Sunday Celebration at St. Michael’s! (also Streaming Live on Facebook & UNY Website) Unity of…Sunday Celebration Service with Rev Shawn Moninger
Join us for our In-Person Sunday Celebration at St. Michael’s! (also Streaming Live on Facebook & UNY Website) Rev. Shawn…NO QUEST TODAY
The Quest NO QUEST TODAYBlack Indigenous People of Color Montly Meetings
Monthly meetings for BIPOC are currently being held on the third Monday of the month via zoom. All People of…Sunday Celebration Service with Gha’ il Rhodes Benjamin
Join us for our In-Person Sunday Celebration at St. Michael’s! (also Streaming Live on Facebook & UNY Website) This week's…Sunday Celebration Service with Rev. Carlos W. Anderson
Join us for our In-Person Sunday Celebration at St. Michael’s! Join us for our weekly Sunday Celebration Service and share…