Kathy Grant and Rev Becca Bean facilitate this 10 week course developed by Unity minister Rev Ken Daigle. Do you…Get Up and Change the Channel! Workshop with Rev Dr Raymont Anderson
"Get Up and change the Channel" with Rev Dr Raymont Anderson Living from a Higher Vibration a Higher consciousness requires…2025 Pledge Partnership
Dear Unity of New York CommunityUnity in ActionThrive in ’25!Dear Unity of New York Community,There is nothing quite like getting…Spiritual Counseling with Rev David Ault
Spiritual Counseling with Rev David Ault Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 22, 23 ~ 1pm to 6pm at St Michael’s…“Emotional Intelligence”
Workshop with Rev David Ault “Emotional Intelligence” Sunday, November 20th 2-4pm at St Michael’s Without understanding that all emotion serves…Unity of NY Women’s Group
Meeting ~ Wednesday, November 9th at 6pm with Gha’il Rhodes Benjamin at ST Michael’s Gray Lounge (225 W99th ST) Led…Unity Pride: A Gay Men’s Spirituality Group
This Group, led by Unity of NY member, Chris DiGiorgio,is open to ALL gay men. We meet to talk about…Unity Pride: A Gay Men’s Spirituality Group
This Group, led by Unity of NY member, Chris DiGiorgio,is open to ALL gay men. We meet to talk about…