Sunday Service with Rev. Shawn Moninger
Rev. Shawn Moninger is Sr. Minister at Unity Center of Norwalk, Staff Minister at UNY and the founding Board President of…Friendship Sunday Service with Rev. Britt Hall
Invite your friends and family to a WATCH PARTY on Facebook Live! This special service will be led by Senior…Sunday Service with Rev. Carlos W. Anderson
REV. CARLOS W. ANDERSON is founder and director of New Genesis Foundation, Inc., Life School Ministries and Carlos Ministry Creations. He has been a…Sunday Service with Rev. Elizabeth Longo
Rev. Elizabeth Longo is an inspirational speaker, teacher, and life coach who is passionate about self-realization and creating a world…Sunday Service with Rev. Shawn Moninger
Rev. Shawn Moninger is Sr. Minister at Unity Center of Norwalk, Staff Minister at UNY and the founding Board President of…Thanksgiving Celebration with Rev. Britt Hall
Join us for our Annual Thanksgiving Celebration Service! There's always something to the grateful for - Let's get together to…Sunday Service with Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck – ADVENT BEGINS
This Sunday is the beginning of ADVENT and the theme is HOPE Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck is one of Unity’s…Sunday Service with Rev. Carlos W. Anderson & KWANZAA CELEBRATION
This week's ADVENT theme is PEACE We will also be having a special KWANZAA CELEBRATION! REV. CARLOS W. ANDERSON is founder…Hanukkah Service with Rev. Diane Berke
This week's ADVENT theme is JOY Rev. Diane Berke is the Founder and Spiritual Director of One Spirit Learning Alliance.…Christmas Celebration Service with Rev. Britt Hall
Join us for a special CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION! This week's ADVENT theme is LOVE Unity of New York’s co-founder and Senior…Sunday Service with Rev. Carlos W. Anderson
Rev. Carlos W. Anderson is founder and director of New Genesis Foundation, Inc., Life School Ministries and Carlos Ministry Creations. He has been a…Foundations of Unity with Revs Britt Hall & Shawn Moninger
Don’t miss the fun with Revs Britt & Shawn – Drop in any time to remember what Unity is all…