Sunday Services – Video

The Revelation That Changed Dr. Maya Angelou’s Life

When she was in her 20s, Dr. Maya Angelou discovered the Unity Church. Founded in 1889, Unity is a Christian movement that emphasizes affirmative prayer and education as a path to spirituality. Watch as she is moved to tears while recalling the revelation that changed her life forever.

“Mind Your Business!” Rev. Carlos W. Anderson

Sunday Celebration Service February 4th, 2018

“UNITY…Come Out of That Spiritual Closet!” Rev. Britt Hall

Friendship Sunday Service, September 16th, 2018

“Whatever You Say” Carlos W Anderson

Sunday Celebration Service, September, 3rd 2017

“Everything Happens Twice” Rev. Dr. David Ault

Sunday Celebration Service, April 22nd, 2018

“Season of Light: The Time to Love” Rev. Diane Berke

Sunday Celebration Service, December 2nd, 2018

“What Part of Gratitude Did You Not Understand?”

Sunday Celebration Service, November 19th, 2017

“What Matters Most” Rev. Britt Hall & Rev. Shawn Moninger

Sunday Celebration Service, July 8th, 2018

“Love Is Leading Our Way” Rev. Diane Scribner Clevenger

Sunday Celebration Service, January 27th, 2019