From our Sunday Service Celebrations with fantastic guest speakers, to messages about the Unity Movement our media library offers you a way to stay connected to Unity of New York anytime.

“God Keeps It’s Word, So I, Too, Will Keep My Word” Rev. Shawn Moninger

Sunday Celebration Service, April 8th, 2018

“ThanksLIVING” Rev. Martha Creek

Sunday Celebration Service, November 25th, 2018

“Who Do You Think You Are?” Carlos W Anderson

Sunday Celebration Service, November 5th, 2017

“IT’S PRIDE…WALK TALL!” Rev. Britt Hall

Sunday Celebration Service, June 24th, 2018

When I Pray

Video by Lisa Cameron, with music by Daniel Nahmod.

The Parable of The Cloth and Wineskins “LIVE ALREADY!!” Rev. Britt Hall

Sunday Celebration Service January 28, 2018

God’s Got This

February, 22 2015

The Path to True Love

February, 15 2015

Well, Aren’t You Special?

February, 1 2015

Finding the Love of Your Life

February, 1 2015

Why God Messes Up Your Life

January, 25 2015

You and Your Big BUT!

January, 18 2015

Yeah, In Your Dreams!

January, 11 2015

Dear God!

January, 4 2015