Unity Senior Adventures – Day Trip!

Date and Time: September 29, 2017 @ 11:30 am - 1:30 pm EDT
Location: NY Botanical Gardens

U.S.A. - UNITY SENIOR ADVENTURES   Day Trip To NY Botanical Gardens ~ Chihuli Exhibit ~ Friday, September 29th ~ Meeting at 11:30am  (2900 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10458)…


Day Trip To NY Botanical Gardens ~ Chihuli Exhibit ~ Friday, September 29th ~ Meeting at 11:30am  (2900 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10458)
Cost for Seniors:  $17 or $20 (if less than 15 reserve)

Actions for you to take:  
  1. Email:  UnityUSAnyc@gmail.com to make your reservation.
  2. Make a check payable to: June Davis for $17 – June will be in the lobby at Symphony Space on Sunday, September 10th to collect checks.  Payment must be received by Sept 10th.