Sunday mornings before service, join us for a pre-service discussion group. The group is led by different Unity of New York teachers each week. The topics of discussion are based on a chosen book, which is discussed weekly.* All are welcome and encouraged to join the discussion and although the readings are recommended, no one is required to read the book in order to attend the class. This is a great way to enjoy some fellowship before service and meet up with like-minded people on the spiritual path. Note: B.Y.O.B. policy – Bring Your Own Breakfast 🙂
*Note: We are currently discussing the book “Spiritual Economics” by Eric Butterworth
In this, Eric Butterworth Classic, “Spiritual Economics” gives us a straightforward way to live with the flow of life, instead of against it. Lessons on reversing financial adversity, and developing a prosperous attitude about money, health and love, are just a few glimpses of renewing and reminding us all, of the power we have within us.
Book is available in the Sunday Bookstore at Symphony Space or online at Amazon.
Sunday, September 17th ~ Topic & Facilitator Introduction and Chapter 1: “Substance” with John Canary