Talk Title: “FREE TO BE ME”
We all make mistakes; we all even feel like we ARE mistakes, sometimes… until we remember that we ‘re (all) made of Go(o)d-stuff! I want safe passage through my mind, don’t you? Let’s look at that. You can face anything, because you’re more than your never-easy stories. You’re here to step on up, and use those stories to lift you! Repeat after me: I’m free to be Me! Now, stop holding your breath, and come be with us this Sunday July 28th. No one else will do, but you! Come be with Rev Diane and a get a dose of de-Light…
Raised in New Thought, Rev. Diane Scribner Clevenger was nicknamed “the woman of a thousand prayers,” by a fellow minister years ago. As senior minister of Pray Attention Ministries, a Unity alternative ministry without walls, Diane serves individuals and communities worldwide – speaking, coaching, facilitating inspiring play and pray shops, retreats, meditations, classes and journeys. She serves in Brazil as a Casa Guide with John of God, has trekked 480 miles across Spain on The Camino and summited the highest mountain pass in the world; and you know what? She praises God every breath of the way! Diane brings spiritual enthusiasm to whatever she does; and she’s thrilled to be walking in de-Light with us…
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