Join us for another Virtual Sunday Celebration
Streaming Live on Facebook & UNY Website!
Join us for our weekly Sunday Celebration Service and share inspiration, light and LOVE with your UNY community!
This week’s speaker is Rev. Elizabeth Longo. Read a little bit about her below.
Born in Havana, Cuba during times of war and uncertainty…I was a child exposed to shootings, bombs, food and electricity shortages. From one day to the next the life I knew was shattered before my very eyes. I had to leave everything behind – my father, grandparents, cousins, friends, toys, and the home I was born in and travel to the United States alone with my mother at the tender age of 5 with just a change of clothes. I was now a Cuban refugee.
My mother, who was my Goddess and my Light, became very depressed and wasn’t around much for she had two jobs and was going to school. I spent much time alone. Daydreaming and talking to my imaginary friends was where I found refuge.
When I was 12 years old we moved to New York City for a short while. In the streets of the Village I had my first awakening experience. Dressed with bows and lace holding my mother’s hand we turned a corner to what I still recall to be my first experience with magic and the psychedelic world. Men with long hair, women with flowers in their hair, music, vibrant colors and peace signs! Something in me loudly said, YES! At that moment every fiber of my being knew there was more to the world that what my senses perceived, and that I was a citizen of the world not solely my tribe.
Teen years were tumultuous – sex and drugs – and the hole in my heart was huge. I desperately seeked for love all the wrong places.
Then I found the theatre. In my acting classes I began to explore my inner world and allow the frozen emotions a space to flow like a mighty river. My healing had begun.
I discovered Zen Buddhism, Krishnamurthy, yoga, and tai chi. There was hope!
I devoured every self-help book I got my hands on. I meditated, prayed, journaled, took every workshop and seminar that came my way. Studied the ancient mystics, astrology, theosophy and the Vedas.
My heart longed for truth, to have an experience of Oneness like the ones I had been reading about. So I traveled to India.
While having a private interview with Sai Baba he looked straight into my eyes and asked me, “What do you want?” In that moment, I disappeared and realized that the “me” I believed myself to be was a construct, and an illusion.
Join us for our weekly Sunday Celebration Service and share inspiration, light and LOVE with your UNY community!
Sr. Minister, Rev. Britt Hall hosts our weekly celebrations from his home in NYC and is joined VIRTUALLY with our guest speakers and vocalists. To join our celebration, you can go to our Facebook page and watch on Facebook Live or you can watch the live stream right here on our website on the Watch Live page.