Sunday Service with Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson

Date and Time: October 11, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm EDT

Cynthia Alice Anderson is a charismatic speaker, gifted with a communication style that inspires response from others. She captures the attention of people from diverse…

Cynthia Alice Anderson is a charismatic speaker, gifted with a communication style that inspires response from others. She captures the attention of people from diverse life paths, and finds purpose in serving them on their life’s journey.

During her career, Cynthia Alice has helped tens of thousands of people be their best by living life with authentic power, passion and purpose.

She founded and hosts the podcast channel, Experience of the Soul, authored four books, and designed and delivers a vast curriculum focused on personal growth. Anderson works as a life and leadership coach for individuals throughout the United States.

For her work in the aftermath of the Pulse shooting, she received the Governors’ Award for Civic Service. She was interviewed by the global media about the impact of the tragedy on the local community, and continues to act as a consultant for the BBC.  She was also a member of the OnePulse Foundation Task Force.

Anderson regularly serves with OMYGA, an organization that supports young minority students to learn lessons about golf and life.  She is a featured expert in the upcoming Daniel Karslake documentary film, “For They Know Not What They Do” which premiered at the TriBeca Film Festival earlier this year.

Cynthia Alice’s work reawakens a higher consciousness using principles, teachings, and practices of various disciplines to assist people with transcending calcified, limiting beliefs about themselves and the world. Her teaching goes beyond research and philosophy to serve as a “how to” tool for personal growth, prosperity, and evolution.

Blending diverse disciplines and perspectives, Anderson helps people shift their own perspective. She opens a conversation that is applicable for every individual—how to find greater acceptance, alignment, abundance, and authenticity.

Anderson’s message engenders happiness, harmony, and healing on multiple levels. It is accessible and actionable in practical and understandable ways for people in the workplace, at home, and in community.

A graduate of Seattle Pacific University and Unity Institute, over the past three decades, Anderson has been a leader in an array of professional arenas, including education, music, churches, and retail operations. She was the Retreat Manager for Unity Village Headquarters and chaired the Prosperity Team for Unity Worldwide.  She is currently the CEO of the Power of Soul and senior leader at CCU Orlando.

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