*Healing and Wholeness with Rev Shawn Moninger
September 19th – October 24th (No Class Sept 26th)
at St Michael’s (225 W99 ST – Recital Hall, 2nd Floor.)
The foundation of Unity is that health (Spiritual, Mental, and Physical) can be restored and maintained through the right understanding and use of Thought and Prayer. While it can take effort to focus on a new way of thinking and prayer, the healing and maintenance can be relatively effortless. Join together on Tuesday evenings to get the Understanding necessary for this proven method of healing and develop your own techniques within the journey. The books we will be using are Christian Healing by Charles Fillmore as well as Healing Letters and How to Let God Help You by Myrtle Fillmore. These are staples of Unity and fantastic guides.
*This class is eligible for SEE credit.
Given by Suggested $20 Love Offering (No one turned away for lack of funds)