Join us for another Virtual Sunday Celebration
Streaming Live on Facebook & UNY Website!
Join us for our weekly Sunday Celebration Service and share inspiration, light and LOVE with your UNY community!
This week’s speaker is Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson.
About Cynthia –
I am a minister. I am a minister of souls around the world through my podcast, live appearances and online courses. Very simply, I love people. And I love to help them GROW, PROSPER AND EVOLVE on their individual spiritual journey. I love to see people wake up to their spiritual power and change their lives for the better. This changes the world…one person, one day, and one moment at a time. In essence, I work with change agents. People who are attracted to my work see that we must become 100% responsible for the choices we make and the lives we live. This is an awakening thought and when you are surrounded with others who are spiritually like-minded, amazing things begin to happen for you. If you are ready for more of the soul you came to be, I invite you. I invite you to be an integral part of the collective soul work we are doing. I invite you to join us and move your journey forward. It’s time to begin living from your soul and play with the big kids.
Blessings on the journey,
Cynthia Alice Anderson
Sr. Minister, Rev. Britt Hall hosts our weekly celebrations from his home in NYC and is joined VIRTUALLY with our guest speakers and vocalists. To join our celebration, you can go to our Facebook page and watch on Facebook Live or you can watch the live stream right here on our website on the Watch Live page.