The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity – Part 2 – “DIGGING IN”
with Rev. Shawn Moninger
6 weeks – Tuesdays, September 11th ~ October 16th
from 6:15-7:45pm @ St Michael’s (1st Fl. Reception Room with the exception of October 9th &16th in the Recital Hall on the 2nd Fl.)
We will be doing hands-on practitionership of the “FOUR LAWS” of TITHING – FORGIVENESS – GOAL SETTING – FINDING YOUR PURPOSE.
The requirements for taking this course are:
- Tithing – Each student is required to tithe ten percent of their income in the class each week.
- Each student is required to make a list of those who they have been offended by.
- Each student is required to set concrete goals of what Good they desire to experience and become willing to see it manifested.
Each week we will pray, tithe, put pen to paper, and work on our willingness to SEE the Good that we have and the Good that is in our potential.